Undergraduate and Master’s Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes

As of the academic year 2001/2002 the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" put into effect the reforms issued by the Ministry of Education in January 2001, in compliance with the Bologna process.
There are now two three-year programmes of study leading to an undergraduate university degree called Laurea triennale, one for the headquarter of the Faculty in Ancona and another one for the newly opened new seat of the Faculty in San Benedetto del Tronto, a town on the southern side of the Marches region.

Undergraduate Degrees Majors
Economics and Commerce
In 3rd year students can choose a set of courses in preparation
for the Master’s Degree of their choice
Business Administration
(San Benedetto del Tronto)
Territorial and Tourism Economics - Economics, markets and business management

Master’s Programmes

Master’s Programmes (Laurea Magistrale) last two years and can be accessed after completion of an undergraduate degree.
Admission is limited and in any case the curriculum of the applicant is scrutinized by an admission committee of professors.
Students in Master’s Programmes are required to write a dissertation (21 credits) in the second semester of the second year of studies or, in any case, on completion of their examinations. The thesis is discussed in front of an academic committee that takes into account its quality and the student's record before assigning the final grade.

Master’s Degrees Concentrations
International Economics and Commerce - International Economics and Business
- Business Organization and Strategy
Economics and Management

- Management

- Marketing

- Auditing and Business Law

Economic and financial sciences


Management of Public Sector and Social Services