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Academic calendar 2022-2023

Orientation Week
From 19-09-2022 to 23-09-2022

Courses (Undergraduate and Master’s Degree Programmes)


I Semester from 26-09-2022 to 10-12-2022
II Semester from 20-02-2022 to 05-04-2023
from 13-04-2023 to 13-05-2023

Course Examinations

Winter Examinations

1st Session from 09-01-2023 to 21-01-2023
2nd Session from 23-01-2023 to 04-02-2023
3rd Session from 06-02-2023 to 18-02-2023

Summer Examinations

1st Session from 29-05-2023 to 12-06-2023
2nd Session from 13-06-2023 to 27-06-20223
3rd Session from 28-06-2023 to 12-07-2023

Autumn Examinations

1st Session from 28-08-2023 to 09-09-2023
2nd Session from 11-09-2023 to 23-09-2023

Monthly Examinations
(Only for students repeating the final year of their programmes)

April from 20-03-2023 to 05-04-2023
November from 02-11-2023 to 18-11-2023

Graduation Examinations

Winter Session Undergraduates
10th and 11th February, 2023
17th and 18th February, 2023
17th, 18th and 24th March, 2023
Summer Sessions Postgraduates
14th and 15th July, 2023
21h and 22th July, 2023
Autumn Session




13th and 14th October, 2023

15th and 16th December, 2023

20th and 21th October, 2023





The following days are to be considered holidays:

  • All Sundays
  • 1st January
  • January 6th: Epiphany
  • Easter Day
  • Easter Monday
  • April 25th: Liberation Day
  • May 1st: Labour Day
  • May 4th: Patron Saint of Ancona
  • June 2nd: Republic Day
  • August 15th: Assumption Day
  • November 1st: All Saints' Day
  • December 8th: Immaculate Conception
  • December 25th: Christmas
  • December 26th: St. Stephen's Day
  • Christmas Break: from December 21st 2015 to January 5th 2016
  • Easter Break: from March 24th to March 30th 2016