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Master's Degree in International Economics and Commerce (IEC)



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IEC is a Master (2nd cycle) for graduate students who are eager to develop their professional experience in an international context. Enrolling in this course will give you the opportunity to learn about the working of Italian SMEs specialised in the production of high quality,"Italian style" goods exported throughout the world.

Lectio Magistralis during the Laurea Honoris Causa in International Economics and Commerce to Professor Joseph Stiglitz,  Nobel Price 2001 in Economics.


IEC offers the following training:

  • It will give the participants a solid foundation in economics and management matched with the ability to grasp the dynamics of markets which control the opportunities and risks of enterprise expansion.
  • It will make the students streamline and exploit their knowledge of languages through free preparatory specialized courses for international language certificates (TOEFL, FCE or equivalent for other languages). All lessons will be conducted in English. International students will be offered free courses of Italian.
  • It will give them the opportunity to broaden their cultural horizons by studying and attending specialized courses in other European Universities under the Erasmus framework, participating in international internship, obtaining Double-Degrees at partner universities.
  • The programme will facilitate contacts with institutions and companies for placement.