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The Centre of Documentation

The centre was set up on March 9, 2000 and it is composed of the Unified Biomedical Technical Scientific Library of Montedago (Biblioteca Tecnico Scientifica Biomedica Unificata), as well as the Library of the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà". The centre has three branches: CAD Polo Villarey (the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà"), CAD Polo Torrette (the Faculty of Medicine) and CAD Monteago (the Faculty of Engineering). An on-line search for texts and materials available at the centre can be carried out from any of the three branches.

Library loans are permitted for a total of 3 texts for a period of 21 days. For academic staff and students who are working on their thesis and are about to graduate, library loans are permitted for a total of 5 texts for a period of 60 days.

The following are not allowed out on loan:

  • textbooks pertaining to programmes of courses being held in the current academic year;
  • periodicals;
  • some code books or journals;
  • statistical data;
  • reference books;
  • works of particular value and those published prior to 1850;
  • material on microfiche and microfilm;
  • data banks;
  • manuals;
  • non-book materials.

The materials in the library are divided into sections:

  • the European Community (CE - Comunità Europee);
  • Statistical Documentation (DS - Documentazione statistica);
  • Social/Economics Reports (RES - Relazioni economico-sociali);
  • Books;
  • Periodicals;
  • Thesis.

The works in each sector are then classified by subject.

The Faculty Library

The library is located in the main building of the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" on the first floor. It specializes in social sciences and has about 90,000 volumes and 2,050 periodicals, 1,376 of which are currently received. About 70% of the texts are in foreign languages (English, French, German, and Spanish) and there are national and international daily newspapers, magazines and journals available for consultation.
The library operates under an open library system which means that students are allowed direct access to materials. Upon request students may examine library material on microfilm and microfiche. There is an automated system which uses personal computers as computer terminals available for an on-line search of works purchased after 1983. Facilities include 240 places in various reading rooms, a loan service for Italian libraries, data banks and a photocopying service.

Upon written permission students may also consult those volumes belonging to the various institutes and departments which appear in the general catalogue. Library materials on audio tape concerning language learning are available at the CSAL, the Multimedia Language Centre.

Periodicals, code books, encyclopaedias, manuals, dictionaries and textbooks pertaining to courses held during the academic year cannot be taken out on loan. Access to the library requires a library card issued by the library staff.