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Student organizations

Our student organisations are:

N.B. The information here has been provided directly by the associations concerned. The information herewith regards the student associations that are present within the organs of the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" and UNIVPM as well as those that have recognised by the University to which students from the Faculty may adhere.


AIESEC (French acronym for the International Association of Students of Economics and Business Studies) is the only international association completely run by students, non-profit making, independent and apolitical.
Ancona is one of 800 university sites where AIESEC activities take place in 88 countries. Every individual can express his or her ideas regarding cultural and educational activities, local and international projects, and exchanges between students from abroad through the local committee structure.
Taking part in AIESEC means:

  • meeting students from every part of the world;
  • enriching the learning process at University with practical experience that bridges the gap between University and the world of work;
  • working and operating from an international point of view, in an atmosphere of mutual respect for different cultures and equality between peoples.

AIESEC Ancona offers all students of the University (even students who are not members of AIESEC) the possibility of undertaking international work placements, or participating in local projects organized annually.

For information:
Tel. 071/2207028


Associazione Laureati della Facoltà di Economia di Ancona.

The association was founded on Jan 20, 1990 and its aim is:

  • to promote initiatives that help to maintain cultural relationships between its members and the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" as well as to contribute to the activities and development of the Faculty;
  • to collect, distribute, and exploit information regarding its members and their activities;
  • to set up and develop relationships between its members with initiatives of a professional, cultural, and social nature; Guidebook to the Faculty of Economics;
  • to help counsel students, keep alumni informed, and in general to favour a greater degree of co-operation between university programs and the workplace.

Among the various activities it promotes, ALFEA has set up an annual award called “The Graduate of the Year”, which is given to the graduate that has obtained his/her Laurea with the highest mark on his/her thesis and the highest average marks in the least length of time.

For further information please contact:
ALFEA, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Piazzale Martelli, 8 - Ancona
Tel. 071/2207006
Fax 071/2207146.


Associazione studenti città università

ASCU is a lay organization and is pluralistic in its nature. Its aim is to offer an opportunity to meet and have meaningful dialogue. This aim springs from the belief that University should be a place where there is an opportunity to develop learning. Some of the many activities that we propose are:

  • meeting with artists;
  • summer exchanges with foreign students;
  • film festivals and cineforums;
  • university parties and concerts;
  • work placements organized by IAESTE.

For information:
ASCU headquarters-Ingegneria, quota 150 Library hall
Tel. 071/2204491


Italian Catholic University Federation

What is FUCI?
FUCI is an association of Catholic inspiration is not tied to any political party but this does not mean that it is non-political. It does not participate directly with its candidates in the elections of the organs of student representation. Its main objective is the cultural, social, and spiritual formation of the student community. It has always been the reference of Azione Cattolica (a Catholic Association) and at present , although its statute and its national directives are separate as well, it shares the same intent and objectives.

Main Location:
Piazza Santa Maria 4, 60100 Ancona
Meetings will be held at the Faculty of Engineering.


Gulliver is a group of students who share the same ideals of solidarity, justice and progress, and who reject the image of the University as a place that is empty, deprived of life and separate from the world, a place we go to only to attend courses and take exams. Gulliver aims to stimulate critical debate, to develop projects, and to exchange points of view.

Gulliver has two strictly connected aspects, that of a cultural association and that of an organ of representation for students at Faculty meetings. As such, Gulliver does not hide (unlike others) its political connotations and its ideals, (e.g. defending and emancipating the weakest members of society). These ideals are sympathetic to the left, but are not tied to any particular political party. The association proposes a series of cultural or recreational initiatives. We publish the newspaper Gulliver and brief thematic pamphlets (e.g. , regarding the prevention of AIDS), we organize film series, lectures, we offer access to INTERNET and to a small alternative library. To finance ourselves we organize parties and rock concerts. With our membership card (the card gives the holder the possibility to take advantage of many discounts in many shops in Ancona), one has the right to an AGIS CINEMA card, that offers a discount at all the cinemas in Italy.

If you share our views, if you want to approach University in a critical and stimulating way, if you would like to take part in a friendly organization, contact us in our room at the Faculty of Engineering. (quota 150, tel. 071/2204509) or in Economics (Piazzale Martelli 8, ground floor, tel. 071/2207026).
We have meetings every Tuesday at our headquarters at Via Saffi, 22 at ERSU, at 9:30 p.m.. You are all welcome to participate.


We created a Student Office to help meet students’ needs and to come together to respond to all the problems of the University. The Student Office immediately found its place among the student population and is seen as an ideal place for the exchange of information, lesson notes, books, for friendship and for everything that makes up University life.

Student Representatives
At the Student Office the student representatives are available to respond to any problems that students may have in student life (problems ranging from food in the canteen, study programmes, availability of books, etc.). The representatives can inform the students about what is going on in Faculty meetings, helping to create a committed and open system of representation.
LISTAPERTA, through the Student Office, aims to inform all students about the initiatives taken during the academic year (study holidays, courses, conferences, guided tours, holidays).
Every student can contact us at one of the Student Offices in the various Faculties:

  • The Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà"
    Piazzale Martelli, 8 – Ground floor tel. 071/2207027
  • The Faculty of Engineering
    Via Brecce Bianche - Quota 150 tel. 071/2204388
  • The Faculty of Medicine
    Torrette tel. (Reception) 071/22 06000
  • The Faculty of Agriculture and Biology
    Ground floor tel. (Reception) 071/2204703


Università Europea is a student organization that is present on many college boards. The aim of the organization is to give back to the word political its original meaning: action that represents the expectations and proposals of the student community and furthers debate.
At Università Europea we want to revive an interest and passion for cultural and political experiences in the search for spiritual and human values that belong to our history and to the traditions of every man and woman in society.

For further information:
The Faculty of Engineering
Via Brecce Bianche – Quota 150 tel. 071/2204705


Students for Liberty is a student organization at UNIVPM which has various representatives on university committees.

For information contact:
Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" - ground floor Luca Mariotti