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Study Programmes

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The study programme has been carefully prepared in order to provide students with a solid economic and managerial background and to allow them to develop activities and experience that will strengthen their CV.  

IEC offers two different curricula, ( IEB; BOS ) designed to fit your own personal professional career paths; but there is a common base in both the curricula: the international vocation.

Official timetables of IEB and BOS courses are available here.

IEB International Economics and Business

I.   Aims of the programme

To provide the students with a solid knowledge of conducting business in a global environment.
To create practical competences in dealing with international markets by developing effective marketing and commercial strategies.
To make the students able to work effectively in foreign and complex organizational situations.

II. Content and methodology

a. Main functional courses: International Business, International Economics, International Communication, International Banking, Economics of Taxation and Supply Chain and Logistics.

b. Main Technical courses:  Econometrics, Business Statistic, Budgeting, Country Analysis, Intercultural Relations.

c. The methodology will be strongly interactive, in order to develop concrete competence and operational capabilities in addition to an indepth knowledge. Case discussions, project works, field activities, hands-on exercises will be a relevant part of the programme.

III.   Professional profile

The students graduated from this program will ideally be able to work in the professional roles typical of a local branch or subsidiary of an international company. They will have responsibility in designing and applying marketing and commercial strategies in order to succeed in resident markets, facing local and global competition.
Skills and  Abilities of their role: Entrepreneurship, Autonomy and  Adaptability.

IV. Study programme 2022-2023

Curriculum: International Economics and Business

I YEAR      
International economics (advanced) M. Tamberi I 9
International business and communication (1st module) A. Cusi  II 6
International business and communication (2nd module) A. Cusi  II 6
Econometrics R. Lucchetti II 6
European Administrative Regulation G. Vilella I 6
English Language (advanced B2) or  (*)  S.A. Hill I 6
English Language (advanced C1) or M.C. Recchioni    
Lab of International Markets Analysis G. Van Wijk  II 6
6 credits to be chosen between:      
- Business statistics M. Ciommi II 6
- Dynamics of populations B. Zagaglia I 6
6 credits to be chosen between:      
- Budgeting T. Davidson I 6
- International banking M. Nicolau II 6

Free choice elective (**)
Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation (default choice)

Business Startup

E. Berisha

D. Grandoni



II YEAR      
International integration (1st module) M. Fratianni I 6
International integration (2nd module) G. Canullo I 6
6 credits to be chosen between:      
- Economics of innovation A. Sterlacchini I 6
- Analysis and evaluation of public policy  L. Elia II 6
6 credits to be chosen between:      
- Economics of environment and natural resources R. Esposti I 6
- Macroeconomics for professionals A. Palestrini II 6
12 credits to be chosen between:      
- Country Analysis (1st module) M. Cano-Kollmann II 6
- Intercultural relations S.M. Alatas I 6
- Supply chain and logistics K. Cutright II 6
- Laboratory (IEB) A. Palestrini II 3
Thesis     21

(*)  For students who have the B2 level but not the B2 English Certificate 
(**) Students are encouraged to apply for one of the following special Programs: Global Consulting Program, Competitividad Global para PyMES, Campus World, Erasmus Traineeship


BOS Business Organization and Strategy

I. Aims of the program

To provide the students with an in-depth knowledge of the strategic and organizational issues faced by global companies or by companies competing in an international environment.
To create strong capabilities in dealing with different cultures with critical managerial areas like team work, leadership and organizational design.

II. Content and methodology

a. Main functional courses: International Economics, International Marketing, Industrial Organization and Business Strategy, Supply chain and Logistics, Operations, Management Control and Cost Analysis.

b. Main managerial courses: Organizational Behavior and Leadership , Sociology of Entrepreneurship, Teamwork, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Project Management, Teamwork, Negotiation and Conflict Management.

c. The methodology will be strongly interactive, in order to develop competence and capabilities in addition to an indepth knowledge. Case discussions, role plays, active participation will be a relevant part of the program.

III. Professional profile

The students who graduate from this program will ideally be able to work in the professional roles typical of the headquarter of an international organization.
They will be involved in the design of the organizational structure, in defining competitive strategies, in managing overseas branches of the company and coordinating its global presence.
Skills and  Abilities of their role: Global, Strategic Vision and Coordination.

IV.   Study Programme 2022-2023

Curriculum: Business Organization and Strategy

- English Language (advanced)* or S.A. Hill




- English Language (advanced C1) or M.C. Recchioni
- Lab of International Markets Analysis G. Van Wijk 
Business statistics M. Ciommi II 6
International Sales Management A. Perna I 6
International Economics A. Lo Turco I 9
Personnel Economics S. Staffolani I 6
6 credits to be chosen between:      
International Contract Law L. Perriello I 6
International Financial Regulation S. Samperna I 6
6 credits to be chosen between:      
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership J. Schermerhorn II 6
- Sociology of Entrepreneurship C. Carboni II 6
6 credits to be chosen between:      
- Teamwork, Negotiation and Conflict Management D. Grandoni II 6
- Management Control and Cost Analysis M. Montemari I 6

Free choice elective (**)
Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation (default choice)

Business Startup

E. Berisha

D. Grandoni



Supply chain and Logistics K. Cutright II 6
6 credits to be choosen between      
European Agricultural Policy or F. Sotte I 6
Big data analytics for business C. Pigini II 6
International Contract Law L. Perriello I 6
Operations and Project Management (1st module) M. Habermann I 6
Operations and Project Management (2nd module) D. Sani I 6
Industrial Organization and Business Strategy (1st Module) N. Matteucci





Industrial Organization and Business Strategy (2nd Module) R. Cappelli
Laboratory (BOS) S. Bartoloni II 3
Thesis     21

(*)  For students who have the B2 level but not the B2 English Certificate
(**) Students are encouraged to apply for one of the following special Programs: Global Consulting Program, Competitividad Global para PyMES, Campus World, Erasmus Traineeship